Board of Directors

The Hawbridge Board of Directors is a volunteer group of parents, educators, business owners, and community members dedicated to helping The Hawbridge School thrive by providing responsive governance and attentive oversight. Each Board member shares a passion for education and a commitment to Hawbridge’s mission and vision of innovative, place-based learning emphasizing environmental stewardship and the arts. The Board brings diverse talents and perspectives to fulfill our responsibilities to the school and its constituents.

Board Meetings

Board meetings are open to the public and held on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.

2024/2025 Board Meetings

* An asterisk denotes a date that deviates from the usual fourth Wednesday of the month to accommodate breaks in the school calendar.

Current Board of Directors

Board Responsibilities

The Hawbridge Board performs a number of duties in support of the school, including: 

  • Ensuring the school’s mission and vision are the guiding focus of the school
  • Maintaining the school’s financial health
  • Hiring and evaluating the Lower School Director and the Upper School Director
  • Creating, approving, and maintaining school policies, with appropriate input from administration and other stakeholders
  • Taking responsibility for facility acquisition or modification
  • Creating a strategic plan for the charter school and using the plan as a guide for decision-making
  • Supporting and celebrating the work of the Hawbridge faculty, staff, and administrators

The Board is not responsible for the day-to-day operations of the school. If you have a classroom or operational issue, please address it to the appropriate teacher, administrator, or other school personnel.

Board Committees

Committees focus on individual aspects of the school and assist the Hawbridge Board of Directors in fulfilling their governance responsibilities.

Bylaws and Policies

The Hawbridge Board is guided by the following school policies and bylaws:

Past Meetings

Minutes from Hawbridge Board of Director meetings are approved during the following month’s regular meeting of the Board. The approved minutes are then typically posted within one week of the date in which they are approved. A lag time may occur, however, under certain circumstances, such as if the Board Secretary is absent from a regular meeting.

Agendas and minutes for meetings prior to 2016 are available upon request from Jennifer Shelton –

Serving on the Board

Applications for the 2025/26 Hawbridge Board of Directors are now open! If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors, please download and complete the following application. Completed applications can be mailed to the Board Selection Committee chair Daniel Ayers at

2025 Hawbridge School Board of Directors Application PDF

2025 Hawbridge School Board of Directors Application Docx

If you have questions about serving on The Hawbridge Board of Directors, please email or for more information. Board terms run for 3 years and begin on July 1.

Contact the Board

You may contact the Board at