Restorative Practices

In alignment with our school’s mission and vision, we aim to build a school culture grounded in mutual respect where everyone thrives. When student actions cause harm in their classroom, among peer(s), or act in a way that is detrimental to the school community, we use Restorative Practices to respond.  The use of Restorative Practices provides tools for students to restore relationships among peers and/or within their community. That means that consequences are aimed toward healing both the student and the community trust. We find that these consequences are more meaningful and provide greater opportunities for learning and growth than punitive consequences, alone.

Restorative Practices are grounded in:

  • Building relationships and community
  • Teaching and showing respect
  • Learning to take responsibility
  • Teaching proactive relationship skills

Students who experience our curriculum from kindergarten to graduation will have the opportunity to learn shared language and put community norms into practice.  Throughout their time at Hawbridge, students will learn methods of building and maintaining healthy relationships, respect for boundaries and consent, and processes for conflict resolution. These proactive measures take place through classroom lessons from the school counselors and teachers; and are reinforced and put into practice when harm occurs.  These practices are supported by our school directors, school counselors, and our Dean of Students.

Conflict is a normal part of life, and we recognize that students will make mistakes.  This may result in harming another person or group of people.  We see these mistakes as learning opportunities.  Students enter into a process based on reflection, listening, sharing perspectives, working towards solutions, and repairing harm. Sometimes, this may mean that students need some time away from school to reflect on their actions; and there are some instances which we are required by law to report.  Even in the most challenging circumstances, our goal is to provide a setting in which students are able to face challenges and work through them as their authentic selves.  We believe in connection over compliance.

We have had the privilege of partnering with Peaceful Schools NC since 2019.  This organization provides support to schools across the state in implementing restorative practices.  We are grateful to Peaceful Schools for assisting Hawbridge in navigating the challenges that arise with transformational change.

More information:

Discipline and Code of Conduct Handbook
Hawbridge Community Agreements
Code of Conduct Policy for Families and Visitors
More information on Restorative Practices and FAQ developed by the Hawbridge School Board 2024