Our Parent Administrator Student Teacher Association (PASTA) is a cornerstone of the Hawbridge community and is one of the key avenues to meet people and learn about the many ways you can contribute your time and energy for the benefit of the school.



  • No Fuss Fundraiser questions –

    Reach out to Kandice Jarosiewicz using our Hawbridge Pasta email – – with a subject line of NO FUSS FUNDRAISER


  • Check out the new Hawbridge family directory! PASTA has setup the directory in hopes it will help families reach out to others in the community and help PASTA better communicate about events and needed support. For current Hawbridge families only.
  • Click the link to register and login, update your family information, and modify your directory preferences.
  • Spirit wear (aka. shirts, magnets and other fun school-themed items). Looking for Hawbridge Heron super-cool spirit wear?  You can see what we have in stock here.  If you would like to order, please contact Regina:
  • Participate! A great way to participate in this Parent-led community is to come to a meeting. PASTA meetings are held monthly, usually on the second Tuesday of each month during the school year. View all PASTA events on the PASTA Facebook page.  or on the school website calendar here.

Ways to Contribute to PASTA:

Join the PASTA (Parent Administrator Student Teacher Association) Fundraising Committee! Lend your time and talents to help make these and other fundraising projects happen. Monthly meetings are announced in the PASTA newsletter and are open to all interested Hawbridge parents. 

AmazonSmile: Hawbridge earns 0.5% of the price of your eligible Amazon purchases when you order from using our fundraising link.

Harris Teeter Together in Education Program: Link your VIC card to #3951, and Hawbridge will receive a percentage of all qualifying items purchased when you use your VIC card at the beginning of each transaction. You must re-link your card every August. The following brands qualify: Harris Teeter Brand, H.T. Traders, Harris Teeter Farmers Market, Harris Teeter Naturals, youpet, yourbaby, yourhome, Hunter Farms, Top Care, More Value, and all prescriptions filled at the Harris Teeter in-store pharmacy.

Kroger Community Rewards: Link your Plus Card to  #91659.

Lowes Foods: Go to “Cart to Class” link and search for The Hawbridge School.

Office Depot : Order online using the code 70060551 and The Hawbridge School gets 5%.

Weaver Street Market School Scrip Program: Purchase a pre-paid school scrip card (basically a gift card for yourself or even someone else) and link it to #246. You must give the cashier the number before he/she authorizes the card. Any amount can be put on the card and money can be added to it whenever you run out. Hawbridge will earn 5% of your purchases.

Hawbridge Supply Closet: This PASTA program helps assure that our teachers have the supplies they need. Requested items are listed in the monthly PASTA newsletter. If you are able to donate items please send it with your student to be dropped off in the specially labeled box in the main office. Thanks for your donations!





The Hawbridge Pasta