Many counseling resources may be found at on our School Guidance page. Dear Hawbridge Community, I miss all of you! In the following document I will outline my role during our school closure, as well as resources for families. I still serve as your student’s school counselor, providing support in the following areas: social/emotional: individual...Read More
Hawbridge families, We want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your patience as we work through this challenging time. So many of you have offered support and services to help as we transition to digital teaching and learning. Teachers are taking this week to design lesson plans that can be effectively...Read More
Ms. Stabenow received a “Promoting Innovation in Science and Mathematics” [PRISM] grant from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund which “supports teaching professionals in their efforts to provide quality hands-on, inquiry-based activities for their students. [PRISM] provides up to $3,000 for one year to cover the cost of equipment, materials, and supplies.” Ms. Stabenow will use her...Read More