In the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd among many others, The Hawbridge School reaffirms our mission to build relationships based on mutual honor and respect. The Hawbridge School community disavows all acts of violence and racism because we acknowledge that Black Lives Matter. We acknowledge the racial disparities found within the institution of...Read More
On Thursday, May 21, The Hawbridge School held a two-part graduation for seniors. The first part was a virtual “tassel turning” ceremony. Our civics and theatre teacher, Mr. Ferris, was selected by the seniors as a speaker. The text of his speech is provided below. The second part was a “drive by” diploma ceremony. Our...Read More
The 2020-2021 Calendar was originally approved by the Board of Directors on Wednesday, January 22. It was modified in May 2020, to comply with new school calendar legislation. It is subject to change if legislation changes. 2020-2021 Revised CalendarRead More