Individuals 14 years 6 months and older (by January 16, 2019) are eligible to enroll in a driver’s education course at The Hawbridge School during the Fall Semester. The school is exploring the possibility of hosting a course during Bridge period. The course would operate 3 times a week from 2:45 pm until 3:30 pm for the entire semester. This structure will allow students to meet the state mandated hours (30) requirement, while providing the flexibility and convenience of attending a driver’s education course during the instructional day. Daily attendance is required and will be closely monitored by the instructor, Ms. Joan Love.

Please click the url below to complete the form if you would enroll your child in a driver’s education course at The Hawbridge School, as it is described above. All questions related to this driver’s education opportunity should be sent to Daryl Feldman, Assistant Director for Student Services. Mr. Feldman may be contacted by email: and phone: 336-376-1122 ext. 105.

Access the survey by using the following url: